What you need to know if you are new to sex toys

If you're new to sex toys from the store https://sexand.toys/, here are some essential things to consider:

Understanding Your Preferences

Understanding your preferences when you're new to sex toys involves exploring several factors to find what suits you best:

  1. Stimulation Type: Consider the kind of stimulation you enjoy or want to explore—clitoral, vaginal, anal, or a combination. Different toys cater to various forms of stimulation.

  2. Size and Shape: Think about what size and shape might be comfortable for you. Some may prefer smaller or slimmer toys, while others might prefer larger or more anatomically-shaped ones.

  3. Sensitivity: Understand your level of sensitivity. Some individuals prefer gentle vibrations or subtle sensations, while others might enjoy stronger or more intense stimulation.

  4. Material Preferences: Consider the materials that feel good against your skin. Common body-safe materials include silicone, glass, stainless steel, and ABS plastic.

  5. Noise Level: Noise can be a concern for some users. If discretion is important to you, look for quieter toys or those with lower noise levels.

  6. Functions and Features: Explore different functions and features. Some toys have various vibration patterns, adjustable speeds, or remote-controlled options that might enhance your experience.

  7. Solo or Partnered Use: Think about whether you'll use the toy alone or with a partner. Some toys are specifically designed for partnered play.

  8. Ease of Use and Maintenance: Consider how easy the toy is to use and clean. Opt for toys that fit your lifestyle and comfort level in terms of maintenance.

  9. Budget: Determine a comfortable budget for your first toy. Quality and price can vary, so find a balance between affordability and quality.

Start Small and Simple:

When you're new to sex toys, starting small and simple can help ease you into this exploration. Here's what to consider:

  1. Basic Vibrators: Begin with basic vibrators designed for clitoral stimulation or small insertable ones for vaginal exploration. These are often user-friendly and versatile.

  2. Size and Shape: Opt for smaller or slimmer toys. These are usually more manageable and less intimidating for beginners.

  3. Materials: Choose body-safe materials like medical-grade silicone or ABS plastic. These materials are non-porous, easy to clean, and less likely to cause allergic reactions.

  4. Single-Function Toys: Consider toys with uncomplicated features. Single-function toys with straightforward controls can be less overwhelming for beginners.

  5. Battery Operated or Rechargeable: Decide if you prefer battery-operated or rechargeable toys. Rechargeable ones may be more convenient and cost-effective in the long run.

  6. Waterproof Options: Some beginners prefer waterproof toys for ease of cleaning and versatility in using them in different environments, like the shower or bath.

  7. Discreet Design: Look for toys with discreet designs if privacy is a concern. Some toys are specifically designed to be inconspicuous and easily storable.

  8. Read Reviews and Recommendations: Research user reviews or seek recommendations from reputable sources. Others' experiences can provide insights into suitable beginner-friendly toys.

  9. Budget: Determine a comfortable budget. There are affordable options available without compromising on quality or safety.

Materials Matter

considering materials is crucial when you're new to sex toys. Here's what to keep in mind:

  1. Body-Safe Materials: Opt for body-safe materials to avoid potential allergic reactions or skin irritations. Common body-safe materials include medical-grade silicone, ABS plastic, glass, and stainless steel.

  2. Non-Porous Properties: Choose non-porous materials that don't harbor bacteria. Non-porous toys are easier to clean and maintain hygiene, reducing the risk of infections.

  3. Quality and Safety: Prioritize toys made from high-quality materials. Ensure they are free from harmful chemicals like phthalates, which can be found in some lower-quality toys.

  4. Hypoallergenic Options: If you have sensitive skin or allergies, consider hypoallergenic materials. Medical-grade silicone is often a safe choice for users with sensitivities.

  5. Ease of Cleaning: Select materials that are easy to clean and maintain. Some materials, like silicone or stainless steel, can be sterilized or cleaned more thoroughly.

  6. Compatibility with Lubricants: Check the compatibility of materials with different types of lubricants. For instance, silicone-based lubes can deteriorate silicone toys, so water-based lubes are usually recommended for silicone toys.

  7. Durability: Consider the durability of the material. Quality materials tend to last longer, providing a better investment in the long run.

  8. Temperature Sensitivity: Some materials, like glass or stainless steel, can be temperature-sensitive. They can be warmed or cooled for added sensation, offering diverse experiences.

  9. Comfort and Feel: Ultimately, the feel and comfort of the material against your skin are essential. Select a material that you find pleasurable and comfortable to use.

  10. Manufacturer Reputation: Research the reputation of the manufacturer regarding the quality and safety of materials used in their products. Reputable brands often prioritize body-safe materials.

Research and Reviews:

When you're new to sex toys, conducting research and reading reviews can guide you toward making informed decisions. Here's what to consider:

  1. Reputable Sources: Explore reliable and reputable sources of information. Look for sex education websites, forums, or blogs that provide accurate and comprehensive information about sex toys.

  2. Educational Content: Seek educational content that covers various types of toys, their functionalities, and how to use them safely. Websites dedicated to sexual wellness often offer beginner guides or FAQs.

  3. User Reviews: Read user reviews and experiences on retailer websites or forums. Real-life experiences can provide insights into a toy's effectiveness, ease of use, and overall satisfaction.

  4. Video Reviews and Demos: Watch video reviews or demonstrations if available. Video content can offer visual explanations of toy features, functions, and usage.

  5. Comparison Guides: Look for comparison guides that discuss different types of toys within a category (e.g., vibrators, dildos). These guides may help you understand the diversity of options available.

  6. Forums and Communities: Join online forums or communities dedicated to sexual wellness. Engaging with others can offer diverse perspectives, recommendations, and advice.

  7. Expert Opinions: Seek advice from sex educators, therapists, or experts in the field. Some websites or blogs have columns or sections where experts answer questions or provide advice about sex toys.

  8. Product Information: Pay attention to product descriptions, specifications, and details provided by manufacturers or retailers. Look for information about materials, functionalities, and intended use.

  9. Updated Information: Ensure the information you're accessing is up-to-date and relevant. Sexual wellness trends and product innovations can evolve over time.

Hygiene and Cleaning

Hygiene and cleaning practices are crucial when using sex toys to ensure your safety and maintain their longevity. Here are key considerations for beginners:

  1. Body-Safe Materials: Opt for toys made from body-safe materials that are easy to clean. Non-porous materials like medical-grade silicone, glass, stainless steel, and ABS plastic are generally easier to sanitize.

  2. Cleaning Before First Use: Prior to using a new toy, clean it according to the manufacturer's instructions. Even if the toy comes in packaging, it's important to wash it before the initial use.

  3. Cleaning After Each Use: Develop a routine of cleaning your toys after every use. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for the appropriate cleaning method, which often involves mild soap and warm water.

  4. Special Care for Certain Materials: Some materials require specific cleaning methods. For example, silicone toys can be boiled or placed in the dishwasher (if specified by the manufacturer), while porous materials like TPE or jelly should be cleaned meticulously.

  5. Toy-Specific Cleaners: Consider using toy-specific cleaners or sprays designed for sex toys. These cleaners are formulated to be safe for the materials and offer an extra level of hygiene.

  6. Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Steer clear of harsh chemicals such as bleach, alcohol, or abrasive cleaners. These substances can damage the toy's material and cause irritation to sensitive areas.

  7. Drying and Storage: Thoroughly dry your toys after cleaning to prevent moisture buildup that could lead to mold or bacterial growth. Store them in a clean and dry environment, preferably in a pouch or container designed for that purpose.

  8. Avoid Cross-Contamination: If using a toy for both anal and vaginal stimulation, ensure it's properly cleaned or use separate toys for each area to prevent cross-contamination and the risk of infections.

  9. Regular Inspections: Periodically inspect your toys for any signs of wear, damage, or degradation of materials. Discontinue use if you notice any changes in the toy's condition.

Communication and Consent

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