Amethyst sex toy review

Double-ended dildos, Amethyst sex toy from the store , are designed for simultaneous penetration or shared pleasure between partners. They typically have two insertable ends, allowing for versatile use and various positions. Here's an overview of using double dildos:


When preparing to use a double-ended dildo like the Amethyst for shared pleasure or simultaneous penetration, it's important to follow these steps:

  1. Cleaning: Thoroughly clean the double dildo before and after each use. Use mild soap and water or a sex toy cleaner following the manufacturer's instructions to maintain hygiene.

  2. Lubrication: Apply a generous amount of water-based lubricant to both ends of the dildo. Lubrication is essential for comfortable insertion and to prevent any discomfort or friction during use.

  3. Check the Material: Ensure the double dildo is made from body-safe materials such as silicone, glass, or other non-porous materials. Avoid using silicone-based lubricants with silicone toys, as they can damage the material.

  4. Communication: Discuss with your partner(s) the intentions, preferences, and comfort levels before using the double dildo. Open communication is crucial for a pleasurable and comfortable experience.

  5. Positioning: Find a comfortable position that allows easy access for both partners to use the dildo. This could involve lying face-to-face, side-by-side, or in a position that feels comfortable for simultaneous penetration.

  6. Warm-Up and Foreplay: Engage in foreplay to enhance arousal and relaxation. This could involve mutual stimulation, kissing, touching, or any activities that increase excitement and comfort.

  7. Start Slowly: Begin insertion slowly, ensuring both ends of the dildo are comfortably placed. Take your time to allow both partners to adjust and find a pace that feels good for both.


Positioning plays a significant role in maximizing comfort and pleasure when using a double-ended dildo like the Amethyst. Here's an overview of positioning for a fulfilling experience:

  1. Partner Alignment: Find a position that aligns both partners comfortably. Options include lying facing each other, lying side-by-side, or one partner in a comfortable position while the other straddles or positions themselves accordingly.

  2. Comfortable Surface: Choose a comfortable surface such as a bed, couch, or any surface that allows both partners to relax and have easy access to use the double dildo comfortably.

  3. Supportive Pillows or Cushions: If needed, use pillows or cushions for additional support. These can be placed under the hips or other body parts to enhance comfort and allow better access to use the dildo.

  4. Adjust for Height and Body Type: Partners may have different heights or body types, so adjust positions accordingly. Experiment with different angles and elevations to find what feels best for both partners.

  5. Accessible Penetration: Ensure both ends of the double dildo are easily accessible for penetration. This might involve adjusting the positioning of your bodies or the angle of penetration to achieve optimal comfort and pleasure.

  6. Communication: Continuously communicate with your partner(s) about what feels good, what needs adjustment, and if any changes in positioning are required for a more enjoyable experience.

  7. Relaxed State: Encourage relaxation through breathing exercises, massages, or other methods to help both partners relax and fully enjoy the experience.

  8. Experimentation: Don't be afraid to experiment with different positions to find what works best for both partners. Some positions may offer deeper penetration, better angles, or more comfortable access.

Arousal and Relaxation: 

When using a double-ended dildo like the Amethyst, creating an environment of arousal and relaxation is crucial for an enjoyable and comfortable experience. Here's an overview of how to foster arousal and relaxation:
  1. Mutual Arousal: Engage in mutual stimulation, foreplay, or intimate activities with your partner(s) to build arousal. This can include kissing, touching, caressing, or any activities that increase excitement and desire.

  2. Communication: Encourage open communication about desires, boundaries, and preferences. Discuss fantasies or intentions with your partner(s) to ensure a shared understanding and a comfortable atmosphere.

  3. Setting the Mood: Create a conducive environment by dimming lights, playing soft music, or incorporating elements that contribute to a relaxed and sensual atmosphere. A comfortable and inviting setting can enhance arousal.

  4. Relaxation Techniques: Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, massages, or taking a warm bath together. Relaxing the body and mind can increase comfort and heighten sensitivity to pleasure.

  5. Exploration and Discovery: Take time to explore each other's bodies, focusing on erogenous zones and sensitive areas. Tease and build anticipation to intensify arousal before using the double dildo.

  6. Foreplay with the Dildo: Incorporate the double-ended dildo into foreplay. Experiment with using the toy on each other, allowing anticipation and excitement to grow as you explore its sensations.

  7. Mutual Consent and Comfort: Prioritize mutual consent and comfort throughout the process. Continuously check in with your partner(s) to ensure everyone feels safe, respected, and comfortable.

  8. Patience and Enjoyment: Take things slowly and enjoy the experience together. Allow arousal and relaxation to build gradually, embracing the intimacy and pleasure the moment brings.


when using a double-ended dildo like the Amethyst, the process of insertion is a crucial step for a comfortable and pleasurable experience. Here's an overview:

  1. Preparation: Ensure the double dildo is clean and sanitized according to the manufacturer's instructions. Apply a generous amount of water-based lubricant to both ends of the dildo.

  2. Partner Positioning: Find a comfortable position that allows easy access to both ends of the dildo for insertion. This could involve lying facing each other, lying side-by-side, or any position that aligns both partners comfortably.

  3. Arousal and Relaxation: Engage in foreplay or mutual stimulation to increase arousal and relax the muscles. This helps prepare the body for penetration and enhances comfort.

  4. Slow and Gentle Insertion: Begin by slowly inserting one end of the double dildo into one partner. Use gentle pressure and proceed at a pace that feels comfortable for both partners. Communicate openly about comfort levels.

  5. Communication: Maintain open communication throughout the insertion process. Check in with your partner about comfort, pace, and depth to ensure a pleasurable experience for both.

  6. Simultaneous Insertion: As one end is inserted, coordinate with your partner to insert the other end simultaneously or at a pace that feels comfortable for both parties.

  7. Adjustment and Exploration: Take time to adjust to the sensations and depth of penetration. Experiment with different angles, movements, and depths to find what feels most pleasurable for both partners.

  8. Safety and Comfort: Prioritize safety and comfort at all times. If at any point there's discomfort or pain, stop immediately and make necessary adjustments. Use additional lubricant if needed.


communication is pivotal for a satisfying and enjoyable experience when using a double-ended dildo like the Amethyst. Here's how communication plays a crucial role:

  1. Discuss Intentions: Before starting, have an open conversation with your partner(s) about your intentions, desires, and boundaries regarding using the double dildo. This ensures mutual consent and a shared understanding.

  2. Comfort Levels: Continuously check in with your partner(s) about their comfort levels throughout the process. Ensure everyone feels safe, respected, and comfortable with the activities.

  3. Pacing and Depth: Communicate about the pace and depth of penetration. This involves talking about what feels good, what might be uncomfortable, and finding a rhythm that works for both partners.

  4. Feedback: Offer and ask for feedback. Share what feels pleasurable and if any adjustments are needed. Encourage your partner(s) to express their sensations and preferences.

  5. Verbal and Non-Verbal Cues: Pay attention to verbal and non-verbal cues. Sometimes, body language or subtle cues can indicate pleasure or discomfort. Encourage your partner(s) to communicate openly, and be receptive to their cues.

  6. Changes in Position or Technique: Feel free to suggest changes in positions, angles, or techniques. Sometimes, a slight adjustment can significantly enhance pleasure. Be open to trying new things and adapting based on your partner's responses.

  7. Safety Concerns: If there's any discomfort or concern about safety, encourage your partner(s) to communicate immediately. Stop if anything feels uncomfortable, and address the issue together.

  8. Positive Reinforcement: Offer positive feedback and encouragement. Creating a safe and non-judgmental space encourages open communication and helps both partners feel more at ease.

Synchronized Movements:

Synchronized movements with a double-ended dildo like the Amethyst can heighten pleasure and intimacy between partners. Here's an overview of how to approach synchronized movements:

  1. Alignment: Find a comfortable position where both partners can align their movements easily. This might involve facing each other, lying side-by-side, or any position that allows synchronized movements.

  2. Communication: Before starting, communicate your intentions to synchronize movements. Discuss the rhythm, pace, and desired motions to ensure both partners are on the same page.

  3. Start Slowly: Begin with gentle and slow movements. This allows both partners to adjust to the rhythm and pace, ensuring comfort and enjoyment.

  4. Experimentation: Explore different synchronized motions such as thrusting, rocking, or circular movements. Try variations in speed and intensity to find what feels most pleasurable for both partners.

  5. Coordination: Coordinate your movements to complement each other's actions. Pay attention to your partner's cues and adjust your motions accordingly for a synchronized and harmonious experience.

  6. Body Language: Use body language to sync movements. Eye contact, syncing breathing patterns, or matching the intensity of your motions can help create a more synchronized and intimate connection.

  7. Mutual Adjustment: Be open to adjusting your movements based on your partner's responses. Encourage your partner to communicate if they prefer changes in pace, depth, or rhythm.

  8. Enjoy the Connection: Synchronized movements with the double dildo can create a deeper sense of connection and shared pleasure. Focus on enjoying the intimacy and connection with your partner(s) throughout the experience.

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